Will $25-a-day early child care be expanded in Alberta?

by Kendra Slugoski, Global News 

Affordable childcare: How the $25-a-day program is working in Alberta

Interview w/ Andrew Grose & Joel French, 630 CHED

$25-a-day child care in high demand in Red Deer

by Susan Zielinski, Red Deer Advocate

$25/day child care earns praise from think tank

by Jeremy Appel, Medicine Hat News

Opinion: Keep momentum rolling on public childcare programs: YMCA

by Shannon Doram, president and CEO, YMCA Calgary; Sharon Hayward, CEO, YMCA of Medicine Hat; Nick Parkinson, president and CEO, YMCA of Northern Alberta; Jennifer Petracek-Kolb, CEO, YMCA of Lethbridge, Calgary Herald

Photos from the January 16th, 2019 Press Conference

Adine Shuchuk, Executive Director of Jasper Place, speaks with the media about the value of the ELCC program and what it has meant for her centre.

Joel French, ED of Public Interest Alberta, hosting a press conference

Billie MacFarlane with her four children