Please support our work.

In order to create a strong advocacy network, it is necessary to foster a community of individuals and organizations who are committed to advancing the public interest. In order to maintain our independence to speak out on the issues that are important to you, we do not accept government or corporate funding. We rely on the financial support of committed individuals and organizations.

As a member of Public Interest Alberta, you will help fund our core operations, enable our dedicated team of staff to sustain our work, and build our capacity to connect with people in communities around Alberta.

Become a member of Public Interest Alberta

Sign up here.

Already a member?

Renew your membership here.

Benefits of Membership

Members will receive our newsletter and annual report as well as regular updates on our campaigns, the opportunity to share your voice with a larger network and influence our advocacy work, invitations to our public events, and access to advocacy trainings.

You will also receive member discounts for our annual advocacy conference. Become part of a growing movement of people working to advance the public interest in Alberta.

Organizational Membership

Organizations and affiliate members support Public Interest Alberta with generous grants and donations. If you or your organization is supportive of Public Interest Alberta's work, let's talk.

Become an organizational member

Annual Membership

A one-time annual membership fee that last 12 months from initial payment.

Regular $50.00 per year
Low-income $20.00 per year
Become an annual member

Monthly Membership

Please consider becoming a monthly donor. As a sustaining member, your monthly contribution allows us to plan ahead, and to respond to urgent campaign and public interest issues the moment they arise.

Become a monthly member

Ways to become a member

Individual Annual Membership:  Visit our Annual Membership page (looking to renew your annual membership?) 

You can also mail a cheque marked "donation" in the amount of $50 (regular) or $20 (low-income) to:

Suite 604, 12323 Stony Plain Road NW
Edmonton, AB T5N 3Y5

Monthly Membership: Visit our Monthly Membership page for more information on how to set up recurring payments on a monthly basis.

For any questions or concerns regarding membership, please contact our office
