EDMONTON - The newly-introduced Red Tape Reduction Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 21) will see the removal of critical data collection accountability for private schools. In response, Public Interest Alberta Executive Director Bradley Lafortune issued the following statement:
EDMONTON - The newly-introduced Red Tape Reduction Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 21) will see the removal of critical data collection accountability for private schools. In response, Public Interest Alberta Executive Director Bradley Lafortune issued the following statement:
“The Kenney government is trying to say that 2+2=5. They say the removal of legislated disclosure requirements of tuition from private schools leads to ‘more accountability’. This is ridiculous.
“Alberta continues to fund private schools at 70% of the rate that they fund public schools per student, all while the UCP starves our public system of necessary funding. We need more accountability from these institutions taking money from the public system, not less.
“Every dollar that goes into the private school system is a dollar taken out of the public school system.
“This is not about “red tape reduction”. It’s about the UCP’s main agenda: deregulation and privatization to line the pockets of the wealthy at the expense of the rest of us.”
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