Public Interest Alberta, the Edmonton Social Planning Council, and the Alberta College of Social Workers’ released a new provincial report, No Change, on child and family poverty on Monday, November 24th. The day was the 25th anniversary of the unanimous commitment in the House of Commons to eliminate child poverty by the year 2000. We are encouraging Albertans to e-mail their MLAs, as well as the Premier and Minister of Human Services, to demand they take immediate action to fulfill their promise made in the last election to eliminate child poverty.
Public Interest Alberta, the Edmonton Social Planning Council, and the Alberta College of Social Workers’ released a new provincial report on child and family poverty on Monday, November 24th. The day was the 25th anniversary of the unanimous commitment in the House of Commons to eliminate child poverty by the year 2000. A national report was released along with provincial reports in most capitals across the country on the same day.
Click here to download the Alberta report.
We are encouraging Albertans to e-mail their MLAs, as well as the Premier and Minister of Human Services, to demand they take immediate action to fulfill their promise made in the last election to eliminate child poverty.
Click here to find your MLA's contact information.
We received wide media coverage of the report from media outlets across Alberta. Here is some of the coverage:
- Edmonton Journal - "Poverty rate for Alberta kids unchanged since 1989, new report says"
- Lethbridge Herald - "Our city worst in Alberta for child poverty"
- Medicine Hat News - "Child poverty figures in Alberta still shockingly high"
- CBC Calgary - "Alberta's child poverty rate remains almost unchanged 25 years later, says report"
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