The fact is: life is getting harder and harder for working Canadians. We are all being touched by the cost-of-living and climate crisis.
Food prices are skyrocketing. Rent is soaring. Homeownership feels increasingly out of reach. More and more of our summers are spent with our windows shut, trying to keep the smoke out of the air our families breathe.
At the same time, the architects of these crises — the billionaire class, Big Oil, and the Grocery Cartel — are making out like bandits, posting record profits as they gouge Canadian families and automate Albertans’ jobs out of existence.
It’s clear that we need an excess profits tax on Big Oil and the Grocery Cartel to curb the rampant greedflation making life worse for us all, and put the money they’re fleecing from us back into the programs and services that allow all Canadians to thrive.
Join Common Horizon Edmonton for their Make Them Pay Town Hall, where we're building the People Power to demand bold action on the climate and affordability crisis. Together, we’ll discuss how corporate greed is driving these crises—and how we can fight back together.
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