In this issue:
- Who will stand for universal access to strong public education in the next election?: Wing Li from Support our Students, former Calgary Board of Education Trustee Julie Hrdlicka, and Public Interest Alberta's Executive Director Bradley Lafortune explore the UCP and the NDP's track record in public education.
- Alberta’s wicked continuing-care system must be reformed: In a special re-print from Progress Alberta, freelance journalist Terry Inigo-Jones shares the moving story of his mother's final days in continuing care at the height of the pandemic.
- Engaging the Heart, the Head and the Hands: Storytelling for Advocates: Public Interest Alberta's Director of Communications Laura Kruse shares how to structure an effective narrative designed to move people on the issues.
- Our Priorities for Change: Putting Albertans at the Centre of a Positive Vision for Alberta: Public Interest Alberta's Executive Director Bradley Lafortune explores the vital importance of putting forward a vision for an Alberta for all.