EDMONTON—Public Interest Alberta is releasing A Fair and Just Alberta: Priorities for Change, designed to serve as a key resource for individuals and organizations in the coming provincial election.“The election presents a major opportunity for those who care about public services to make a difference in our province,” said Bill Moore-Kilgannon, Executive Director of Public Interest Alberta. “It is important that we all take advantage of this chance to advocate effectively for much-needed revenue reform that will provide the foundation for much stronger public services, and to state clearly what should be the priorities for change.”

Public Interest Alberta releases Election Advocacy Plan

Public Interest Alberta is releasing A Fair and Just Alberta: Priorities for Change, designed to serve as a key resource for individuals and organizations in the coming provincial election.“The election presents a major opportunity for those who care about public services to make a difference in our province,” said Bill Moore-Kilgannon, Executive Director of Public Interest Alberta. “It is important that we all take advantage of this chance to advocate effectively for much-needed revenue reform that will provide the foundation for much stronger public services, and to state clearly what should be the priorities for change.”

PIA’s task forces and partner organizations have worked to identify the top three priorities in each of nine areas: revenue reformhealth careK-12 education, post-secondary education,early childhood education and care, human services and povertyseniorsenvironment,and democracy.

Moore-Kilgannon said that the government’s recent budget proposals are a clear sign of why we need to take action. “This budget was a missed opportunity to get it right. We need to change our flat tax system and our corporate taxes to ensure that wealthy individuals and corporations pay their fair share to support priority changes to strengthen the public services that Albertans need and deserve. We need to use this election to convince our politicians to make these changes now.”

The proposal also includes a range of suggested actions for individuals to engage in during the election campaign, in order to advocate effectively for these changes. The full proposal is available on the PIA website here.


Public Interest Alberta will be presenting this document at its advocacy conference, "A Just and Fair Alberta: Making it Happen," which takes place April 9th -11th in Edmonton. The conference will feature keynote speakers Avi Lewis (Canadian documentary film maker and journalist), Asborn Wahl (Director of the Campaign for the Welfare State in Norway), Sarah Haines (Chicago Teachers’ Union), Colleen Fuller (health policy researcher and author), and Bill Phipps (Chairperson of Faith and the Common Good and former Moderator of the United Church of Canada).  Review the speaker bios here.

Public Interest Alberta


Advocating for a Better Alberta for All. Non-profit working for the public good. Our Executive Director is @JoelFrench.