EDMONTON—Public Interest Alberta says that the Redford government's budget cuts to public services are going to have a serious impact on our families and the economy.“This budget is full of bad decisions”, says Bill Moore-Kilgannon of Public Interest Alberta.The budget released today will have the following impacts:Culture

Cuts will impact on families, the vulnerable and economy

EDMONTON—Public Interest Alberta says that the Redford government's budget cuts to public services are going to have a serious impact on our families and the economy.“This budget is full of bad decisions”, says Bill Moore-Kilgannon of Public Interest Alberta.The budget released today will have the following impacts:


  • Culture is being cut from $182 million to $168.5 million. This cut will be made primarily to community and voluntary support services.


  • Education operating funding is not increasing, which will mean teacher layoffs at a time when our population is growing.

Post-Secondary Education

  • Advanced education operations are taking a heavy cut (of 3.6%) which will mean program cuts, layoffs, and fewer students being admitted to post-secondary institutions, even though Alberta already has low post-secondary education participation rates.
  •  Government wants to direct post-secondary education mandates.
  • Post-secondary education funds cut from $260 million in 2011-2012, to $95 million in 2012-2013 to $68 million in 2013-2014.


  • Climate change program will be cut from $9.8 million to $695,000.
  • Climate change and emission management program cut to zero even though it is still bringing in $60 million in revenue.
Human Services
  • Cut by $9 million.
  • Serious cuts to employment programs by $100 million at a time more workers are needed.
  • Modest increase to childcare, up to $269 million from $264 million, but not enough to match population growth.


  • Parks funding cut by $2.3 million, from $70.8 million to $68.5 million.
  • Recreation & Sport cut by $1.9 million, from $28.5 million to $26.6 million.
“The government has many other revenue options which would not necessitate cuts to our vital public services. Revenue from corporate income tax is projected to decrease by 2.2% even though our economy is very strong. We should be asking why this is the case”, says Bill Moore-Kilgannon.“The flat tax is flattening the ability of government to invest in families, support Albertans to achieve their full potential and to diversify our economy towards a knowledge economy. We must continue to advocate for the government to fix their revenue problems”.-30-Media Contact: Bill Moore-Kilgannon, Executive Director, Public Interest Alberta780-993-3736 (cell)

Public Interest Alberta


Advocating for a Better Alberta for All. Non-profit working for the public good. Our Executive Director is @JoelFrench.